[Overview][Types][Classes][Procedures and functions][Variables][Index] Reference for unit 'LCLTaskDialog' (#lcl)


The standard common buttons handled by the Task Dialog.


Source position: lcltaskdialog.pas line 147

type TCommonButton = (



Represents the OK button.



Represents the Yes button.



Represents the No button.



Represents the Cancel button.



Represents the Retry button.



Represents the Close button.



TCommonButton is an enumeration type with values that represent common or standard buttons which can be displayed on a Task Dialog. Values in TCommonButton are stored in the TCommonButtons set type, and used in the implementation of the TTaskDialog and TTaskDialogEx record types.

See also



Set type used to store values from the TCommonButton enumeration.



Launches the task dialog form.



Provides a wrapper for the Execute method in TTaskDialog.

Version 3.2 Generated 2024-02-25 Home