[Overview][Constants][Types][Classes][Procedures and functions][Index] Reference for unit 'LDockTree' (#lcl)


[Properties (by Name)] [Methods (by Name)] [Events (by Name)]

TLazDockForm - the default DockSite for a TLazDockTree and for TCustomAnchoredDockManager.


Source position: ldocktree.pas line 191

type TLazDockForm = class(TCustomForm)


  procedure Notification(); override;


Notification - if the required operation is removal, sets MainControl to nil, then calls inherited Notification.

  procedure UpdateMainControl;


UpdateMainControl - sets MainControl to a new value.

  procedure MouseUp(); override;


MouseUp - calls inherited MouseUp then finds position and appropriate header.

  procedure MouseDown(); override;


MouseDown - performs inherited MouseDown, then finds position and appropriate header.

  procedure MouseMove(); override;


MouseMove - performs inherited MouseMove, then finds position and appropriate header.

  procedure MouseLeave; override;


MouseLeave - performs inherited MouseLeave, and sets the local store of position to indicate absence of the mouse.

  procedure PaintWindow(); override;


PaintWindow - calls inherited PaintWindow, then creates new canvas and handle at cursor position, inserts header caption, title and images.

  procedure TrackMouse();


TrackMouse - finds position of the mouse, which part of the control it occupies (whether header or main part of control), and state of buttons.


  constructor Create(); override;


Create - constructor for TLazDocForm: calls inherited Create, then fills in the header.

  destructor Destroy; override;


Destroy - destructor for TLazDockForm: removes header then calls inherited Destroy.

  function CloseQuery; override;


CloseQuery - calls inherited method, then asks all top level forms if form can close.

  procedure UpdateCaption; virtual;


UpdateCaption - brings caption up-to-date if there have been changes.

  class procedure UpdateMainControlInParents();


UpdateMainControlInParents - make sure all parents recognize the presence of MainControl.

  function FindMainControlCandidate;


FindMainControlCandidate - finds forms and controls in the docktree hierarchy that could act as the MainControl.

  function FindHeader();


FindHeader - identifies the part of the dock form that is the header, and returns a TControl.

  procedure InsertControl(); override;


InsertControl - calls inherited method then updates the main control.

  function IsDockedControl();


IsDockedControl - checks if control is a child, not a TLazDockSplitter and properly anchor docked; returns True if OK.

  function ControlHasTitle();


ControlHasTitle - returns True if nominated control is visible, is a docked control and has a border spacing greater than zero.

  function GetTitleRect();


GetTitleRect - returns the coordinates of the title rectangle for the nominated control.

  function GetTitleOrientation();


GetTitleOrientation - returns the orientation (horizontal or vertical) of the title in the nominated control.

  property MainControl: TControl; [rw]


The identity of the MainControl in the docked form (used for the default caption).





TLazDockForm - the default DockSite for a TLazDockTree and for TCustomAnchoredDockManager.




The base type for TForm classes.




Provides a designer surface for scaling and layout of its child controls.




Implements a windowed control with scroll bars.




The base class for windowed controls which paint themselves.




Implements a windowed control which can contain other child controls.




The base class for visible controls.




The base class for LCL components which have an associated widget.








TLazDockForm - the default DockSite for a TLazDockTree and for TCustomAnchoredDockManager

Note: There are two docking managers: TLazDockTree uses TLazDockZone to allow docking in rows and columns. TCustomAnchoredDockManager does not use TLazDockZone and allows arbitrary layouts.

Version 3.2 Generated 2024-02-25 Home