[Overview][Constants][Types][Classes][Procedures and functions][Variables][Index] Reference for unit 'LResources' (#lcl)

TUTF8Parser (deprecated)

[Properties (by Name)] [Methods (by Name)] [Events (by Name)]

Deprecated. Parser for UTF-8-encoded identifiers, string, and number literals.


Source position: lresources.pp line 350

type TUTF8Parser = class(TObject)


  constructor Create();


Deprecated. Constructor for the class instance.

  destructor Destroy; override;


Deprecated. Destructor for the class instance.

  procedure CheckToken();


Deprecated. Asserts that Token is of the expected type.

  procedure CheckTokenSymbol();


Deprecated. Asserts that the given name was parsed (case insensitive).

  procedure Error();


Deprecated. Raises an EParserError with the given message.

  procedure ErrorFmt();


Deprecated. Raises an EParserError with the formatted message.

  procedure ErrorStr();


Deprecated. Raises an EParserError with the given message, adding source position information.

  procedure HexToBinary();


Deprecated. Writes an hex value into the output stream.

  function NextToken;


Deprecated. Parses the next token.

  function SourcePos;


Deprecated. Returns the current position in the input stream.

  function TokenComponentIdent;


Deprecated. Parses an (possibly) qualified identifier, after a symbol has been parsed.

  function TokenFloat;


Deprecated. Returns the binary value of a floating point number.

  function TokenInt;


Deprecated. Returns the binary value of an integral number.

  function TokenString;


Deprecated. Returns the last parsed token as an string.

  function TokenSymbolIs();


Deprecated. Compares the parsed symbol with the given string (case-insensitive).

  property FloatType: Char; [r]


Deprecated. The type of the parsed floating point number. (number, date...).

  property SourceLine: Integer; [r]


Deprecated. The current line number in the input stream.

  function SourceColumn;


Deprecated. The current column number in the source line.

  property Token: Char; [r]


Deprecated. The last parsed token type.





Deprecated. Parser for UTF-8-encoded identifiers, string, and number literals.




Use TUTF8Parser.NextToken to get the next token. The token type also is available in Token.

Allowed whitespace is newline (CR,LF), tab and space.

Allowed identifiers consist of ASCII letters, digits or underscore.

Strings are a sequence of quoted strings or #nn characters.

Numbers are parsed as integer or floating point values, with toFloat values subdivided into number, single, date or currency, according to FloatType.

All other characters are returned literally.

Version info

Deprecated in LCL version 3.0. Use Classes.TParser instead.

See also


Version 3.2 Generated 2024-02-25 Home