[Overview][Constants][Types][Classes][Procedures and functions][Variables][Index] Reference for unit 'Menus' (#lcl)


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TMenuActionLink: defines the link between a selected menu item and its corresponding action.


Source position: menus.pp line 65

type TMenuActionLink = class(TActionLink)


  FClient: TMenuItem;


Stored a reference to the menu item for the link.

  procedure AssignClient(); override;


Stores the specified value as the client for the linked action.

  function IsAutoCheckLinked; virtual;


Determines if the menu item and action have the same value in their AutoCheck properties.

  function IsOnExecuteLinked; override;


Indicates if the OnExecute event handler in the action is linked to a menu item.

  procedure SetAutoCheck(); override;


Updates the AutoCheck property in the linked menu item.

  procedure SetCaption(); override;


Updates the Caption property in the linked menu item.

  procedure SetChecked(); override;


Sets the value for the Checked property in the linked menu item.

  procedure SetEnabled(); override;


Sets the value for the Enabled property in the linked menu item.

  procedure SetHelpContext(); override;


Sets the value for the HelpContext property in the linked menu item.

  procedure SetHint(); override;


Sets the Hint property in the linked menu item.

  procedure SetImageIndex(); override;


Sets the value for the ImageIndex property in the linked menu item.

  procedure SetShortCut(); override;


Sets the value for the ShortCut property in the linked menu item.

  procedure SetVisible(); override;


Sets the value in the Visible property for the linked menu item.

  procedure SetOnExecute(); override;


Not used in the current LCL implementation.


  function IsCaptionLinked; override;


Is the action's Caption linked to the client?

  function IsCheckedLinked; override;


Is the action's Checked property linked to the client?

  function IsEnabledLinked; override;


Is the action's Enabled property linked to the client?

  function IsHelpContextLinked; override;


Is the action's HelpContext property linked to the client?

  function IsHintLinked; override;


Is the action's Hint property linked to the client?

  function IsGroupIndexLinked; override;


Is the action's GroupIndex property linked to the client?

  function IsImageIndexLinked; override;


Indicates if the action's ImageIndex property linked to the client.

  function IsShortCutLinked; override;


Is the action's ShortCut property linked to the client?

  function IsVisibleLinked; override;


Is the action's Visible property linked to the client?





TMenuActionLink: defines the link between a selected menu item and its corresponding action.




A link between an action and a client class.






TMenuActionLink defines the link between a selected menu item and its corresponding action. Properties are protected and not readily accessible by application programmers.

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