[Overview][Types][Classes][Variables][Index] Reference for unit 'Printers' (#lcl)


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Size for a paper used on an attached printer device.


Source position: printers.pas line 169

type TPaperSize = class(TObject)


  constructor Create(); overload;


Constructor for the class instance.

  destructor Destroy; override;


Destructor for the class instance.

  property DefaultPapers: Boolean; [r]


Indicates if default paper sizes have been defined and added to SupportedPapers.

  property Width: Integer; [r]


Physical width for the paper size.

  property Height: Integer; [r]


Physical height for the paper size.

  property PaperName: string; [rw]


The name used for the paper size, like Legal or Letter.

  property DefaultPaperName: string; [r]


The default paper name used when not selected or available in the printer device.

  property PaperRect: TPaperRect; [rw]


The physical and logical dimension rectangles for the paper size.

  property SupportedPapers: TStrings; [r]


The list of supported paper names for the attached printer device.

  property PaperRectOf []: TPaperRect; [r]


Gets the dimension for a supported paper with the specified name.





Size for a paper used on an attached printer device.




TPaperSize represents paper size information for an attached printer device. It provides an internal reference to the printer device passed to the Create constructor, and allows the TPrinter instance to be queried to retrieve its supported paper names and sizes.

TPaperSize provides properties which identify the paper by name, a list of paper names supported for the printer device, and provides access to the physical and logical size information for each. The physical size contains the bounds for the paper size. The logical paper size (or work rectangle) contains the bounds for the usable print area for the paper size. Bounds values are expressed as dots per inch (DPI).

TPaperSize is the type used to implement the PaperSize property in TPrinter.

See also



Contains paper sizes available and/or selected for the print device.

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