[Overview][Types][Classes][Variables][Index] Reference for unit 'Printers' (#lcl)


Ends printing for the current document.


Source position: printers.pas line 313

public procedure TPrinter.EndDoc;


EndDoc is a procedure used to end printing for the current document. EndDoc calls CheckPrinting to ensure that Printing contains True. An exception is raised in CheckPrinting if Printing contains False.

EndDoc calls the EndPage method to synchronize the printer Canvas (when used) and to perform any actions required for the class implementation. The EndDoc method for the Canvas is called when RawMode is False.

DoEndDoc is called using the value in Aborted as an argument, and allows any actions needed for the class implementation to be performed.

EndDoc updates values in the PrinterFlags property to reflect the current printer and document state. The values pfPrinting and pfAborted are removed from PrinterFlags.

The value in the PageNumber is reset to 0 (zero).

Use BeginDoc to start printing a document. Use Abort to abandon printing the current document.

See also



True if the document is currently being printed.



Status flags currently enabled for the print device.



Indicates if raw output is used for the device (as opposed to a page description language).



The Canvas to be used for laying out the current document ready for printing.



Current page number in the document being printed to the device.



True if printing of the document has been prematurely terminated by operator command.



Terminates printing of the current document (when active).



Starts printing for the current document.



Represents status flag values used for printer devices.

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