[Overview][Types][Classes][Index] Reference for unit 'PropertyStorage' (#lcl)


[Properties (by Name)] [Methods (by Name)] [Events (by Name)]

Defines a container used to Save and Restore property values.


Source position: propertystorage.pas line 114

type TCustomPropertyStorage = class(TComponent)


  function GetRoot; virtual;


Gets the value for the Root property.

  function RootSection; virtual;


Gets the path needed to represent the section for the Root (Owner) component.

  procedure SaveProperties; virtual;


Saves property values to the storage mechanism for the container.

  procedure RestoreProperties; virtual;


Restores property values from the storage mechanism for the container.

  procedure GetPropertyList(); virtual; abstract;


Builds a list with the object(s) and properties stored in the container.

  procedure FinishPropertyList(); virtual;


Updates the specified list to include a reference to the object instance for each of the properties in the storage container.

  function DoReadInteger(); virtual;


Reads an integer value stored as a string.

  function DoReadString(); virtual; abstract;


Default OnReadString handler; must be overridden.

  procedure DoWriteString(); virtual; abstract;


Default OnWriteString handler; must be overridden.

  procedure DoWriteInteger(); virtual;


Writes an Integer value as a String.

  procedure DoEraseSections(); virtual; abstract;


Remove identifiers and values stored below in the specified root section.


  constructor Create(); override;


Constructor for the class instance.

  destructor Destroy; override;


Destructor for the class instance.

  procedure Save; virtual;


Saves all linked property collections.

  procedure Restore; virtual;


Restores all linked property collections.

  procedure StorageNeeded(); virtual;


Ensures that the storage mechanism for the container is available.

  procedure FreeStorage; virtual;


Frees resources allocated for the underlying storage mechanism.

  function ReadBoolean();


Reads a Boolean value stored as a string.

  function ReadString();


Reads a String value from the RootSection.

  function ReadInteger();


Reads an integer value, stored as a string, from the RootSection.

  procedure ReadRect();


Reads a TRect instance stored as a String value.

  procedure ReadStrings();


Reads a list of strings stored with a Count value.

  procedure WriteString();


Writes a String to the RootSection.

  procedure WriteInteger();


Writes an integer into the RootSection.

  procedure WriteBoolean();


Writes a Boolean value to the RootSection.

  procedure WriteRect();


Writes an TRect instance to the RootSection.

  procedure WriteStrings();


Writes a list of strings into the RootSection.

  procedure EraseSections;


Removes all sections that are descendants of the specified root section.

  property StoredValue []: TStoredType; [rw]


Provides indexed access to the value for a collection item by its name.

  property Root: TComponent; [r]


Path where values in the storage container are rooted.

  property Active: Boolean; [rw]


Indicates whether the container is Active and allows access to its storage.

  property StoredValues: TStoredValues; [rw]


Collection with the names and values for properties handled for the container.

  property OnSavingProperties: TNotifyEvent; [rw]


Event handler signalled when the Save method is started.

  property OnSaveProperties: TNotifyEvent; [rw]


Event handler signalled when the Save method is completed.

  property OnRestoringProperties: TNotifyEvent; [rw]


Event handler signalled when the Restore method is started.

  property OnRestoreProperties: TNotifyEvent; [rw]


Event handler signalled when the Restore method is completed.

  property OnSaveException: TPropertyStorageSaveExceptionEvent; [rw]





Defines a container used to Save and Restore property values.








TCustomPropertyStorage is a TComponent descendant which defines a storage container used to save and restore property values. It has a StoredValues property that is a collection with items containing the Names and Values read and written using the storage container.

TCustomPropertyStorage is a base class; it includes abstract virtual methods which must be implemented in a descendant to use a particular storage medium or format. For example: TControlPropertyStorage, TFormPropertyStorage, TIniPropStorage, TJSONPropStorage, and TXMLPropStorage.

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