[Overview][Classes][Procedures and functions][Index] Reference for unit 'Spin' (#lcl)


[Properties (by Name)] [Methods (by Name)] [Events (by Name)]

Implements an integer-based spin edit control.


Source position: spin.pp line 169

type TSpinEdit = class(TCustomSpinEdit)


  property AutoSelected: Boolean;


Set to True when the text selection was made automatically.


  property Align: TAlign;


Specifies the placement of the control on its Parent control.

  property Alignment: TAlignment;


The horizontal alignment for the text in the control (left, right, or centered).

  property Anchors: TAnchors;


The set of anchor definitions for this control.

  property AutoSelect: Boolean;


Enables auto-selection of text when focused.

  property AutoSize: Boolean;


Allows automatic adjustment of the size for the control, according to its content.

  property BorderSpacing: TControlBorderSpacing;


Determines the inner and outer border spacing for this control.

  property Color: TColor;


The background color for the control.

  property Constraints: TSizeConstraints;


Contains the minimum and maximum Width and Height for the control.

  property EditorEnabled: Boolean;


Indicates whether the value for the control can be entered directly into its edit box.

  property Enabled: Boolean;


Determines whether the control responds to mouse or keyboard input.

  property Font: TFont;


The font to be used for text display in this control.

  property Increment: Integer;


The value by which the value of the control should be increased/decreased when the user clicks one of the arrows or one of the keyboard up/down arrows.

  property MaxValue: Integer;


Maximum value allowed for the spin edit control.

  property MinValue: Integer;


Minimum value allowed for the spin edit control.

  property OnChange: TNotifyEvent;


The OnChange event is fired when the spin edit value has changed.

  property OnChangeBounds: TNotifyEvent;


Event handler signalled when the Bounds for the control have been changed.

  property OnClick: TNotifyEvent;


Notification handler for mouse clicks.

  property OnEditingDone: TNotifyEvent;


Event handler signalled when editing is completed for the control.

  property OnEnter: TNotifyEvent;


Event handler signalled when the control receives focus.

  property OnExit: TNotifyEvent;


Event handler signalled when the control loses focus.

  property OnKeyDown: TKeyEvent;


Event handler signalled for key down keyboard events.

  property OnKeyPress: TKeyPressEvent;


Event handler signalled for character data entered by the user.

  property OnKeyUp: TKeyEvent;


Event handler signalled when a key up event has occurred for the control.

  property OnMouseDown: TMouseEvent;


Event handler signalled when a mouse down event is handled for the control.

  property OnMouseEnter: TNotifyEvent;


Event handler signalled when the mouse pointer has entered the control.

  property OnMouseLeave: TNotifyEvent;


Event handler signalled when the mouse pointer has left the control.

  property OnMouseMove: TMouseMoveEvent;


Event handler signalled when the mouse pointer is moved in the control.

  property OnMouseUp: TMouseEvent;


Event handler signalled when a mouse up event is handled for the control.

  property OnMouseWheel: TMouseWheelEvent;


Event handler for mouse wheel turned.

  property OnMouseWheelDown: TMouseWheelUpDownEvent;


Event handler signalled for a downward movement of the mouse wheel.

  property OnMouseWheelUp: TMouseWheelUpDownEvent;


Event handler signalled for an upward movement of the mouse wheel.

  property OnMouseWheelHorz: TMouseWheelEvent;


Event handler signalled for a horizontal movement of the mouse wheel.

  property OnMouseWheelLeft: TMouseWheelUpDownEvent;


Event handler signalled for a leftward movement of the mouse wheel.

  property OnMouseWheelRight: TMouseWheelUpDownEvent;


Event handler signalled for a rightward movement of the mouse wheel.

  property OnResize: TNotifyEvent;


Notification handler for a resize of the control.

  property OnUTF8KeyPress: TUTF8KeyPressEvent;


Handler for a character entered by the user.

  property ParentColor: Boolean;


Uses the Color from the Parent control, when enabled.

  property ParentFont: Boolean;


Indicates if the Font from the Parent control is used in the control.

  property ParentShowHint: Boolean;


If True, the value of ShowHint for the control will be the same as the one from the Parent. Default is True.

  property PopupMenu: TPopupMenu;


A context-sensitive menu that pops up when the right mouse button is clicked over this control.

  property ReadOnly: Boolean;


Indicates if the user is prevented from changing the value for the Text in the control.

  property ShowHint: Boolean;


Enables Hint display for the control.

  property TabStop: Boolean;


Enables keyboard navigation using the Tab or Shift+Tab keys.

  property TabOrder: TTabOrder;


Indicates the navigation order for the control when the user presses the Tab or Shift+Tab key.

  property Value: Integer;


The value for the spin edit control.

  property Visible: Boolean;


Allows the control, and all of its children, to be displayed or hidden.





Implements an integer-based spin edit control.




The base class for an integer-based spin edit control.




The base class for a spin edit control using a floating point value.




The base class for controls presenting editable text.




Implements a windowed control which can contain other child controls.




The base class for visible controls.




The base class for LCL components which have an associated widget.








TSpinEdit is a TCustomSpinEdit descendant which implements an integer-based spin edit control. It provides an edit control where the Integer value can be entered directly, and has arrow buttons to allow the user to increment / decrement the value for the control.

TSpinEdit sets the visibility for properties introduced in ancestor classes.

Use TFloatSpinEdit to edit a float value in a spin edit control.

See also



The base class for an integer-based spin edit control.



Implements a spin edit control using a floating point value.

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