[Overview][Types][Classes][Procedures and functions][Index] Reference for unit 'StdActns' (#lcl)


[Properties (by Name)] [Methods (by Name)] [Events (by Name)]

TFileOpen - standard action (including opening a dialog) associated with the File Open menu option.


Source position: stdactns.pas line 160

type TFileOpen = class(TFileAction)


  function GetDialogClass; override;


Gets the class reference used to create the Dialog for the action.


  property Caption: TTranslateString;


The Caption to be used if this action is associated with a visible component.

  property Dialog: TOpenDialog; [r]


The Open Dialog to be used with this action.

  property Enabled: Boolean;


Enabled - whether this action is able to be used (default is True).

  property HelpContext: THelpContext;


HelpContext - the index for a context-based help message.

  property HelpKeyword: string;


HelpKeyWord - the keyword of a context-based help message.

  property HelpType: THelpType;


HelpType - the sort of help message to be offered: default Context-based.

  property Hint: TTranslateString;


Hint - a pop-up message that appears when the mouse hovers over an object.

  property ImageIndex: TImageIndex;


ImageIndex - the index number of the image to be associated with this action.

  property ShortCut: TShortCut;


ShortCut- an index to a shortcut list.

  property SecondaryShortCuts: TShortCutList;


SecondaryShortCuts - a stringlist containing shortcuts.

  property UseDefaultApp: Boolean; [rw]


Indicates if the default application should be used to open the file for the action.

  property Visible: Boolean;


Visible - is this action visible? (default True).

  property BeforeExecute: TNotifyEvent;


BeforeExecute - event handler for performance before execution of the action.

  property OnAccept: TNotifyEvent;


OnAccept - event handler for a press of the Accept button.

  property OnCancel: TNotifyEvent;


OnCancel - event handler for a press of the Cancel button.

  property OnHint: THintEvent;


OnHint - action to be taken when a hint is required.





TFileOpen - standard action (including opening a dialog) associated with the File Open menu option.




TFileAction - base class for providing actions associated with various file dialogs and menu options.




Dialog action used to create, configure, display, and execute a dialog form.




TCustomAction is the ancestor class for TAction.




Implements an Action class which has a category and parent action list.









See also



TFileAction - base class for providing actions associated with various file dialogs and menu options.

Version 3.2 Generated 2024-02-25 Home