[Overview][Constants][Types][Classes][Procedures and functions][Variables][Index] Reference for unit 'Themes' (#lcl)


[Properties (by Name)] [Methods (by Name)] [Events (by Name)]

Implements theme services for supported platforms.


Source position: themes.pas line 425

type TThemeServices = class(TObject)


  function InitThemes; virtual;


Always returns False.

  procedure UnloadThemeData; virtual;


An empty implementation in TThemeServices.

  function UseThemes; virtual;


Always returns False.

  function ThemedControlsEnabled; virtual;


Always returns False.

  function InternalColorToRGB(); virtual;


Converts the numeric color value to color reference.

  procedure InternalDrawParentBackground(); virtual;


An empty implementation in TThemeServices.


  constructor Create;


Constructor for the class instance.

  destructor Destroy; override;


Destructor for the class instance.

  procedure IntfDoOnThemeChange; virtual;


Signals the OnThemeChange event handler (when assigned).

  function IsDisabled();


Indicates if the theme element value in Details is in a disabled state.

  function IsPushed();


Indicates if the theme element value in Details is in a pushed state.

  function IsHot();


Indicates if the theme element value in Details is in a hot or hovered state.

  function IsChecked();


Indicates if the theme element value in Details is in a checked state.

  function IsMixed();


Indicates if the theme element value in Details has more than one theming state.

  function GetElementDetails();


Fills members in the theme element details.

  function GetDetailSize(); virtual; deprecated ;


Deprecated. Use GetDetailSizeForPPI instead.

  function GetDetailSizeForWindow(); virtual;


Gets the dimensions for a theme element on the control with the specified window handle.

  function GetDetailSizeForPPI(); virtual;


Gets the dimensions for a theme element scaled to the specified Pixels per Inch (PPI).

  function GetDetailRegion(); virtual;


Gets the handle to the region for a theme element.

  function GetStockImage();


Always returns False.

  function GetOption(); virtual;


Returns 1 if the theme option is used for the platform, or 0 when not used.

  function GetTextExtent(); virtual;


Calculates the bounding rectangle for the text or caption in a theme element.

  function ColorToRGB();


Converts a TColor value to the Cardinal color constant needed for a theme element detail.

  function ContentRect(); virtual;


Adjusts the bounding rectangle for a theme element to contain the content area only.

  procedure DrawEdge(); virtual;


Default drawing for the edges on a themed element.

  procedure DrawElement(); virtual;


Draws a theme element using the specified theme element details.

  procedure DrawIcon();


Draws the icon for a theme element.

  procedure DrawParentBackground();


Draws a parent background using the specified window handle and device context.

  procedure DrawText();


Draws the text for a themed control.

  function HasTransparentParts(); virtual;


Always returns True.

  procedure PaintBorder(); virtual;


Default painting method for the borders for a control.

  procedure UpdateThemes;


Reloads theme elements and details when UseThemes is True.

  property DottedBrush: HBRUSH; [r]


Bitmap Handle for the Dotted Pattern Brush used to draw theme elements.

  property ThemesAvailable: Boolean; [r]


Indicates if theme data is available.

  property ThemesEnabled: Boolean; [r]


Indicates if themes are enabled for the platform.

  property OnThemeChange: TNotifyEvent; [rw]


Event handler signalled when the current window theme has been changed.





Implements theme services for supported platforms.




TThemeServices is a small foot print class to provide the user with pure Windows XP theme related abilities like painting elements and text, or retrieving theme element details.

Version 3.2 Generated 2024-02-25 Home