[Overview][Constants][Types][Classes][Procedures and functions][Index] Reference for unit 'ValEdit' (#lcl)


Assigns and displays the column titles for the Key and Value columns.


Source position: valedit.pas line 154

protected procedure TValueListEditor.ShowColumnTitles;


ShowColumnTitles is a procedure used to assign and display the column titles for the Key and Value columns in the control. ShowColumnTitles requires column titles to be enabled by including the value doColumnTitles in the DisplayOptions property. No actions are performed in the method if column titles have not been enabled.

The text used in column titles is derived from resource strings, or values in the TitleCaptions property (when assigned). The default column titles are:

Resource string with the caption for the Key column
Resource string with the caption for the Value column

Values in TitleCaptions are used when the property contains a values at the following ordinal positions:

Value used as the caption for the Key column
Value used as the caption for the Value column

ShowColumnTitles stores the column titles to the first row in the grid control using the Cells property.

ShowColumnTitles is called automatically when the control is created, and when values in DisplayOptions or TitleCaptions are changed.

See also



Enables or disables display features and behaviors in the control.



Title captions used for columns in the control.



Represents display capabilities in TValueListEditor.



Provides indexed access to a cell value by its column and row number.

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