[Overview][Index] Reference for unit 'LazUtils' (#lazutils)

Reference for unit 'LazUtils'





An Average Level Tree structure, which is kept balanced so that finding a node is very rapid.



Contains Unicode conversion tables for Asian code pages.



Contains Unicode conversion tables for common code pages.



Contains types, classes, and routines used to serialize components into Pascal code.



Implements a resizable 2-D array of Pointers.



Contains classes used to manage dynamic sets or associative arrays.



implements a dynamic FIFO queue.



Implements an extended string list that allows its Objects property to hold records.



Contains types and classes used to implement a list of file references.



Miscellaneous routines, types, and classes for manipulating files, file names, and paths.



Contains additional types and routines not currently available in FPC.



A set of mathematical helper routines to simply cross-platform canvas drawing.



Definitions of several special types (including Raw Image) to be used for graphics.



Contains an HTML-to-Text renderer.



Provides lists for Integer data types implemented using generics.



Provides an implementation of DOM interfaces.



Implements classes used to read and write configuration data files in XML format.



Provides routines used to read XML content from a file, text file, or stream.



XML utility routines with support for UTF-8 encoding.



Provides routines used to write XML content to a file, text file, or stream.



An implementation of the XML Path Language (XPath) for Free Pascal.




Provides an implementation of DOM Interfaces.



Provides an implementation of TXMLConfig.



Provides routines used to read XML content from a file, text file, or stream.



Contains classes, types, and routines used to implement an XML serialization driver.



Provides routines used to write XML documents or nodes.



Contains classes and routines used to implement free notifications and reference counting.



Contains classes used to implement thread-safe collections.



Defines various base classes for loading and saving configuration files.



Contains utility routines used in the Lazarus Debugger and IDE.



Contains a hash table implementation using Generics.



Implements a caching mechanism for file and directory state information.



Contains types, procedures, and functions used for file and directory operations.



Defines a simple doubly linked list.



Provides list classes implemented using generics.



Provides a logging framework for Lazarus applications.



Defines base logging classes used in the Lazarus IDE.



Provide an empty re-implementation of LazLoggerBase.



Contains classes and routines used for profiling in the Lazarus debugger.



Implements a list of TMethod entries.



Helper functions for component serialized Pascal.



Contains routines used for string manipulation.



Utility functions for the various supported platforms.



Contains types and routines used to implement exceptions and stack traces.



Provides encoding-agnostic Unicode string manipulation functions and an enumerator.



Contains routines used for UTF-16 character and string operations.



Number of characters (codepoints) to get from the string.



Contains miscellaneous utility routines and variables used in the Lazarus IDE and LCL.



Resource strings used in the LazUtils package.



Contains constants which identify the version numbers for the Lazarus IDE installed on the local system.



Contains routines used to perform conversions between Unicode and System Code Page encodings.



Contains routines used to read and process Comma-separated values from a file or a stream.



Contains TLookupStringList, an unsorted StringList with a fast lookup feature.



Implements a map for unique IDs to arbitrary data.



Contains classes for matching file names to file masks.



Defines classes used to associate objects/pointers with objects/pointers.



Implements a hashed list of string values.



TTextStrings describes TStrings descendants optimized for handling their complete text as a whole (instead of line by line).



Contains classes and routines used to load/check/maintain translations from .po (portable object) files.



Contains types and constants used in modal dialogs.



Implements a version of the FCL TProcess component that allows UTF-8-encoded arguments.


Version 3.2 Generated 2024-02-25 Home