[Overview][Constants][Types][Classes][Procedures and functions][Variables][Index] Reference for unit 'InterfaceBase' (#lcl)


[Properties (by Name)] [Methods (by Name)] [Events (by Name)]

Provides an application helper class (platform and drawing interface).


Source position: interfacebase.pp line 124

type TWidgetSet = class(TObject)


  FThemeServices: TThemeServices;


Theme services class instance for the widgetset.

  procedure PassCmdLineOptions; virtual;


Passes command line arguments needed for the platform.

  function CreateThemeServices; virtual;


Theme services class instance for the widgetset.

  function GetAppHandle; virtual;


Native handle for a TApplication instance.

  procedure SetAppHandle(); virtual;


Native handle for a TApplication instance.


  constructor Create; virtual;


Constructor for the class instance.

  procedure BeforeDestruction; override;


Performs actions needed before freeing the class instance.

  procedure AppInit(); virtual; abstract;


Initializes the application for the platform, and returns Screen information.

  procedure AppRun(); virtual;


Enters a state in which the application waits for system messages.

  procedure AppWaitMessage; virtual; abstract;


Waits for arrival of a message.

  procedure AppProcessMessages; virtual; abstract;


Handles all pending messages.

  procedure AppTerminate; virtual; abstract;


Terminates the application.

  procedure AppMinimize; virtual; abstract;


Minimizes the whole application to the taskbar.

  procedure AppRestore; virtual; abstract;


Restore application previously minimized to the taskbar.

  procedure AppBringToFront; virtual; abstract;


Brings the entire application on top of all other non-topmost programs.

  procedure AppSetIcon(); virtual;


Sets the icon in the taskbar.

  procedure AppSetTitle(); virtual;


Sets the title for an application.

  procedure AppSetVisible(); virtual;


Changes the visibility of the application window.

  function AppRemoveStayOnTopFlags(); virtual;


Resets all StayOnTop windows to NoTopmost.

  function AppRestoreStayOnTopFlags(); virtual;


Sets all windows in the StayOnTop list to TopMost.

  procedure AppSetMainFormOnTaskBar(); virtual;


Shows or hides the taskbar icon for the MainForm.

  procedure AppSetupMainForm(); virtual;


Sets the window state for the specified main form to match the CmdShow parameter passed when startted from a shortcut.

  function BeginMessageProcess; virtual;

  procedure EndMessageProcess(); virtual;

  function LCLPlatform; virtual; abstract;


Returns the name for the widgetset used for the platform.

  function GetLCLCapability(); virtual;


Checks whether the widgetset supports the specified LCL capability.

  function DCGetPixel(); virtual; abstract;


Gets the color for a pixel on the specified device context.

  procedure DCSetPixel(); virtual; abstract;


Sets the color for a pixel on the specified device context.

  procedure DCRedraw(); virtual; abstract;


Redraws the device context for the specified canvas handle.

  procedure DCSetAntialiasing(); virtual;


Enables or disables anti-aliasing for the specified device context.

  procedure SetDesigning(); virtual;


Sets the flag which indicates a designer is active for the specified component.

  function InitStockFont(); virtual;


Initializes a font object to a (predefined) stock font.

  function IsHelpKey(); virtual;


Checks whether the widgetset uses the key to show help.

  function CreateTimer(); virtual; abstract;


Creates a timer with the given callback method.

  function DestroyTimer(); virtual; abstract;


Destroys a timer.

  property AppHandle: THandle; [rw] platform ;


Native handle for a TApplication instance.

  function Arc(); virtual;


Use Arc to draw an elliptically curved line with the current Pen.

  function AngleChord(); virtual;


Use AngleChord to draw a filled Chord shape on a canvas.

  function BeginPaint(); virtual;


Start painting in a window.

  function BitBlt(); virtual;


Copies part of a source DC into a destination DC, using the specified raster operation.

  function CallNextHookEx(); virtual;


Calls the next procedure in the hook chain.

  function CallWindowProc(); virtual;


Calls another Window procedure, to handle a message.

  function ClientToScreen(); virtual;


Converts (relative) Client coordinates into absolute Screen coordinates.

  function CombineRgn(); virtual;


Combines two regions.

  function CreateBitmap(); virtual;


Creates a bitmap for the widgetset.

  function CreateBrushIndirect(); virtual;


Creates a logical brush that has the specified style, color, and pattern.

  function CreateBrushWithRadialGradient(); virtual;

  function CreateCaret(); virtual;


Creates a new shape for the system caret and assigns ownership of the caret to the specified window.

  function CreateCompatibleBitmap(); virtual;


Creates a bitmap that is compatible with the given DC.

  function CreateCompatibleDC(); virtual;


Creates a memory Device Context, compatible with the device for the given DC.

  function CreateDIBitmap(); virtual;


Creates a Device Dependent Bitmap (DDB) from a Device Independent Bitmap (DIB).

  function CreateDIBSection(); virtual;


Creates a bitmap into which the application can write.

  function CreateEllipticRgn(); virtual;


Creates an elliptic region, bounded by the given rectangle.

  function CreateFontIndirect(); virtual;


Creates a logical font, selectable into any DC.

  function CreateFontIndirectEx(); virtual;


Creates a logical font, selectable into any DC. Allows for a long font name.

  function CreateIconIndirect(); virtual;


Creates an icon or cursor.

  function CreatePalette(); virtual;


Creates a logical palette, selectable into any DC.

  function CreatePatternBrush(); virtual;


Creates a logical brush, selectable into any DC.

  function CreatePenIndirect(); virtual;


Creates a logical Pen, selectable into any DC.

  function CreatePolygonRgn(); virtual;


Creates a polygonal region.

  function CreateRectRgn(); virtual;


Creates a rectangular region.

  function CreateRoundRectRgn(); virtual;


Creates a rectangular region with rounded corners.

  procedure DeleteCriticalSection(); virtual;


Deletes an un-owned critical section.

  function DeleteDC(); virtual;


Deletes a Device Context created using CreateDC.

  function DeleteObject(); virtual;


Deletes a graphic object, freeing all system resources associated with the object.

  function DestroyCaret(); virtual;


Destroys the caret but doesn't free the bitmap.

  function DestroyCursor(); virtual;


Destroys a mouse cursor.

  function DestroyIcon(); virtual;


Destroys an icon.

  function DPtoLP(); virtual;


Converts an array of Device Points (coordinates) into Logical Points.

  function DrawFrameControl(); virtual;


Draws a window frame control, of the specified type and style.

  function DrawFocusRect(); virtual;


Shows or hides a focus rectangle.

  function DrawEdge(); virtual;


Draws one or more edges of a rectangle.

  function DrawText(); virtual;


Draws formatted text within a rectangle.

  function EnableScrollBar(); virtual;


Enables or disables the arrows in a scrollbar control, or the scrollbars in a window.

  function EnableWindow(); virtual;


Enables or disables mouse and keyboard input to the specified window or control.

  function EndPaint(); virtual;


Ends a paint operation in a window, started with BeginPaint.

  procedure EnterCriticalSection(); virtual;


Enters a critical section.

  function EnumDisplayMonitors(); virtual;


Calls a callback function for every available display monitor.

  function EnumFontFamilies(); virtual;


Invokes a callback function for every font available on a specified device.

  function EnumFontFamiliesEx(); virtual;


Invokes a callback function for every available font that matches certain criteria.

  function Ellipse(); virtual;


Draws a filled circle or ellipse, bounded by a rectangle.

  function EqualRgn(); virtual;

  function ExcludeClipRect(); virtual;


Excludes a rectangle from the clipping region, i.e. prevents painting within the rectangle.

  function ExtCreatePen(); virtual;


Creates a logical pen, selectable into any DC.

  function ExtTextOut(); virtual;


Draws a string without formatting (single line).

  function ExtSelectClipRGN(); virtual;


Combines the passed Region with the current clipping region.

  function FillRect(); virtual;


Fills a rectangle using the specified brush.

  function FillRgn(); virtual;


Fills a region using the specified brush.

  function FloodFill(); virtual;


Fills an area of the display surface with the current brush.

  function FrameRect(); virtual;


Draws a border around a rectangle.

  function GetActiveWindow; virtual;


Returns the Handle of the active window of the calling thread.

  function GetBitmapBits(); virtual;


Fills a buffer with the bitmap bits.

  function GetBkColor(); virtual;


Returns the background color of a device context.

  function GetCapture; virtual;


Returns the window that captures mouse messages.

  function GetCaretPos(); virtual;


Returns the caret position, in client coordinates.

  function GetClientRect(); virtual;


Returns the client rectangle of a window.

  function GetClipBox(); virtual;


Returns the smallest rectangle which includes the entire clipping region of a device context.

  function GetClipRGN(); virtual;


Returns the clipping region of a device context.

  function GetCompositorExtendedBorder(); virtual;

  function GetCurrentObject(); virtual;


Returns the currently selected object in a device context.

  function GetCursorPos(); virtual;


Gets the mouse cursor position, in screen coordinates.

  function GetCharABCWidths(); virtual;


Returns the ABC widths of a range of character codes.

  function GetDC(); virtual;


Returns the handle for the Device Context (DC) in the client area of a window.

  function GetDeviceCaps(); virtual;


Returns various device specific information.

  function GetDIBits(); virtual;


Fills a buffer with bitmap color bits.

  function GetDoubleClickTime; virtual;


Returns the double-click time, in milliseconds.

  function GetFocus; virtual;


Returns the handle of the window that has the focus in the current thread.

  function GetFontLanguageInfo(); virtual;


Returns language information about the currently selected font.

  function GetForegroundWindow; virtual;


Returns the window that the user is currently working with, session wide.

  function GetIconInfo(); virtual;


Returns information about an Icon or Cursor.

  function GetKeyState(); virtual;


The status of a virtual key.

  function GetMapMode(); virtual;


Returns the mapping mode of a device context.

  function GetMonitorInfo(); virtual;


Returns information about a display monitor.

  function GetDpiForMonitor(); virtual;

  function GetObject(); virtual;


Returns information about a graphics object.

  function GetPaletteEntries(); virtual;


Retrieves a range of color entries from a logical palette.

  function GetParent(); virtual;


Returns the parent window of a window.

  function GetProp(); virtual;


Retrieves a property value for a window.

  function GetRgnBox(); virtual;


Returns the bounding rectangle of a region, containing the entire region.

  function GetROP2(); virtual;


The current Foreground Mixing Mode in a device context.

  function GetScrollInfo(); virtual;


Returns all or selected information about a ScrollBar.

  function GetStockObject(); virtual;


Retrieves a handle to one of the predefined graphic objects.

  function GetSysColor(); virtual;


Retrieves the system color for standard display elements.

  function GetSysColorBrush(); virtual;


Retrieves a system brush for standard display elements.

  function GetSystemPaletteEntries(); virtual;


Retrieves a range of color entries from the system palette for a device.

  function GetSystemMetrics(); virtual;


Retrieves various system metrics.

  function GetTextColor(); virtual;


The current text color in a device context.

  function GetTextExtentExPoint(); virtual;


Calculates the number of characters, that fit into some horizontal space.

  function GetTextExtentPoint(); virtual;


Computes the display width and height of a string.

  function GetTextExtentPoint32(); virtual;


Computes the display width and height for a string.

  function GetTextMetrics(); virtual;


Retrieves the metrics for the currently selected font.

  function GetViewPortExtEx(); virtual;


Returns the size of the viewport for a device context.

  function GetViewPortOrgEx(); virtual;


Returns the origin of the viewport for a device context.

  function GetWindowExtEx(); virtual;


Returns the extent of a window, in logical units.

  function GetWindowLong(); virtual;


Returns the attributes of a window.

  function GetWindowRect(); virtual;


Retrieves the bounding rectangle of a window, in screen coordinates.

  function GetWindowSize(); virtual;


Returns the Width and Height of the window.

  function GetWindowOrgEx();


Retrieves the window origin for a device context in logical units.

  function GradientFill(); virtual;


Fills rectangle or triangle areas with gradient colors.

  function HideCaret(); virtual;


Removes the caret from the screen.

  procedure InitializeCriticalSection(); virtual;


Initializes a Critical Section object.

  function IntersectClipRect(); virtual;


Shrinks the clipping region of an Device Context to a rectangular boundary, e.g. a text area.

  function InvalidateRect(); virtual;


Marks a display area for repaint.

  function InvalidateRgn(); virtual;


Marks a display area for repaint.

  function IsDBCSLeadByte(); virtual;


  function IsIconic(); virtual;


True when the window is minimized.

  function IsWindow(); virtual;


Checks whether a handle refers to a window.

  function IsWindowEnabled(); virtual;


Determines whether a window can receive mouse and keyboard input.

  function IsWindowVisible(); virtual;


The definite Visible state of a window.

  function IsZoomed(); virtual;


True when the window is maximized.

  procedure LeaveCriticalSection(); virtual;


Releases a critical section, and allows use by other threads.

  function LineTo(); virtual;


Draws a line from the current position up to, but not including, the specified point.

  function LoadBitmap(); virtual;

  function LoadCursor(); virtual;

  function LoadIcon(); virtual;

  function LPtoDP(); virtual;


Converts logical coordinates into device coordinates.

  function MaskBlt();


Copies part of a source DC into an destination DC, using the specified foreground and background raster operations.

  function MessageBox(); virtual;


Displays a modal dialog message box.

  function MonitorFromPoint(); virtual;


Finds a monitor from the screen coordinates.

  function MonitorFromRect(); virtual;


Finds the monitor covering most of a rectangle.

  function MonitorFromWindow(); virtual;


Finds the monitor covering most of a window.

  function MoveToEx(); virtual;


Moves the current position to the specified point.

  function OffsetRgn(); virtual;


Moves a region relative.

  function PaintRgn(); virtual;

  function PeekMessage(); virtual;


Checks the thread's message queue for a message.

  function Pie(); virtual;


Draws a filled pie-shaped wedge, from an ellipse and two radials.

  function PolyBezier(); virtual;


Draws Bezier curves.

  function Polygon(); virtual;


Draws a filled Polygon.

  function Polyline(); virtual;


Draws a sequence of lines between the specified points.

  function PostMessage(); virtual;


Sends a message to a window, without waiting for the message result.

  function PtInRegion(); virtual;


Tests whether a point lies in a region.

  function RealizePalette(); virtual;


Maps palette entries from the current logical palette to the system palette.

  function Rectangle(); virtual;


Draws a filled rectangle.

  function RectInRegion(); virtual;

  function RectVisible(); virtual;


Checks whether the clipping region contains (part of) a rectangle.

  function RedrawWindow(); virtual;


Redraws (part of) a window.

  function ReleaseCapture; virtual;


Restores normal mouse input processing, after SetCapture.

  function ReleaseDC(); virtual;


Releases an Device Context obtained by GetDC.

  function RemoveProp(); virtual;


Removes a named property from a window.

  function RestoreDC(); virtual;


Restores an Device Context (DC) to an previously saved state.

  function RoundRect(); virtual;


Draws a filled rectangle with rounded corners.

  function SaveDC(); virtual;


Saves the state of an Device Context in the context stack.

  function ScreenToClient(); virtual;


Converts absolute Screen coordinates into Client relative coordinates.

  function ScrollWindowEx(); virtual;


Scrolls the content of a window, by a number of pixels.

  function SelectClipRGN(); virtual;


Sets the ClipRegion of an DeviceContext.

  function SelectObject(); virtual;


Selects an object into an device context.

  function SelectPalette(); virtual;


Selects a logical palette into an device context.

  function SendMessage(); virtual;


Sends a message to a window.

  function SetActiveWindow(); virtual;


Sets focus to the specified window, if the application is on top.

  function SetBkColor(); virtual;


Sets the current background color of an device context.

  function SetBkMode(); virtual;


Sets the background mix mode (transparency) of an device context.

  function SetCapture(); virtual;


Sets the mouse capture to the specified window.

  function SetCaretPos(); virtual;


Moves the Caret to the specified coordinates.

  function SetCaretPosEx(); virtual;


Moves the Caret into a window.

  function SetCursor(); virtual;


Changes the shape of the mouse cursor.

  function SetCursorPos(); virtual;


Changes the position of the mouse cursor.

  function SetFocus(); virtual;


Sets the keyboard input focus to the specified window.

  function SetForegroundWindow(); virtual;


Moves a window in front of all other windows, and activates it.

  function SetMapMode(); virtual;


Sets the mapping mode of an device context.

  function SetMenu(); virtual;


Assigns a menu to a window.

  function SetParent(); virtual;


Changes the parent of a window.

  function SetProp(); virtual;


Adds a property to a window.

  function SetRectRgn(); virtual;

  function SetROP2(); virtual;


Sets the Foreground Mixing Mode in a device context.

  function SetScrollInfo(); virtual;


Sets (selected) parameters of a scroll bar.

  function SetStretchBltMode(); virtual;


Sets the StrechBlt mode for an device context.

  function SetSysColors(); virtual;


Sets the colors for one or more display elements of window borders and desktop.

  function SetTextCharacterExtra(); virtual;


Sets extra inter-character spacing in text output.

  function SetTextColor(); virtual;


Sets the text color in a device context.

  function SetWindowLong(); virtual;


Sets an attribute of a window.

  function SetViewPortExtEx(); virtual;


Sets the extent of the viewport for a device context.

  function SetViewPortOrgEx(); virtual;


Sets the device origin corresponding to the window origin (0,0) in a device context.

  function SetWindowExtEx(); virtual;


Sets the extent of the window for an device context.

  function SetWindowOrgEx(); virtual;


Specifies which window point maps to the viewport origin (0,0).

  function SetWindowPos(); virtual;


Changes the size, position, and Z order of a window.

  function SetWindowRgn(); virtual;


Restricts the visible part of the entire window.

  function ShowCaret(); virtual;


Shows the Caret (text cursor).

  function ShowScrollBar(); virtual;


Shows or hides a ScrollBar.

  function ShowWindow(); virtual;


Shows a window in an specific state.

  function StretchBlt(); virtual;


Copies a rectangular region to a device context, shrinking or stretching it as needed.

  function StretchDIBits(); virtual;


Copies a rectangular region from a DIB into an device context, shrinking or stretching it as required.

  function SystemParametersInfo(); virtual;


Retrieves or sets one of the system-wide parameters.

  function TextOut(); virtual;


Draws an string without formatting (single line).

  function UpdateWindow(); virtual;


Forces an immediate repaint of a window, if required.

  function WindowFromPoint(); virtual;


Finds the window containing the specified point.

  function AddEventHandler(); virtual;


Adds an event handler routine for the specified handle.

  function AddProcessEventHandler(); virtual;


Adds a process handler routine for the specified handle.

  function AddPipeEventHandler(); virtual;


Adds a pipe handler routine for the specified handle.

  function AllocateHWnd(); virtual;


Allocates an invisible window that can be used to receive messages.

  function AskUser(); virtual;


Displays a dialog box with the specified values, and returns the modal result.

  procedure CallDefaultWndHandler(); virtual;


Calls the default window handler to process a message from a control.

  function ClipboardFormatToMimeType(); virtual;


Gets the MIME type for the specified clipboard format.

  function ClipboardGetData(); virtual;


Gets clipboard data for a given format and saves it to the specified stream.

  function ClipboardGetFormats(); virtual;


Gets a list of available registered clipboard formats.

  function ClipboardGetOwnerShip(); virtual;


Sets the requested formats and requests ownership of the clipboard.

  function ClipboardRegisterFormat(); virtual;


Registers a clipboard format for the specified MIME type.

  function ClipboardFormatNeedsNullByte(); virtual;


  function CreateEmptyRegion; virtual;


  function CreatePixmapIndirect(); virtual;


  function CreateRegionCopy(); virtual;


  function CreateRubberBand(); virtual;


  function CreateStandardCursor(); virtual;


Creates one of the standard cursors.

  function DCClipRegionValid(); virtual;


  procedure DeallocateHWnd(); virtual;


Deletes a window created with AllocateHWnd.

  procedure DestroyRubberBand(); virtual;


  procedure DrawDefaultDockImage(); virtual;


Draws the DockRect during drag-dock operations.

  procedure DrawGrid(); virtual;


Draws a grid lines inside a rectangle with the specified spacing.

  function ExtUTF8Out(); virtual;


Draws an UTF-8 string without formatting (single line).

  function FontIsMonoSpace(); virtual;


Determines if the typeface in the specified font handle is a mono-spaced font.

  function Frame3d(); virtual;


Draws a 3D frame for a rectangle on a device context using the specified style.

  function GetAcceleratorString(); virtual;


Gets a string representing the specified key and shift modifier.

  function GetAvailableNativeCanvasTypes(); virtual;


  function GetAvailableNativeHandleTypes(); virtual;


  function GetCaretRespondToFocus(); virtual;


  function GetClientBounds(); virtual;


Gets the coordinates for the client area in the specified window handle.

  function GetCmdLineParamDescForInterface; virtual;


  function GetControlConstraints(); virtual;


Updates the constraints object (e.g. TSizeConstraints) with interface specific bounds.

  function GetDCOriginRelativeToWindow(); virtual;


  function GetDesignerDC(); virtual;


  function GetDeviceSize(); virtual;


  function GetLCLOwnerObject(); virtual;


  function GetNativeCanvas(); virtual;


  function GetNativeHandle(); virtual;


  function GetScrollBarSize(); virtual;


  function GetScrollbarVisible(); virtual;


  function GetWindowRelativePosition(); virtual;


  function InvalidateFrame(); virtual;


  function IsDesignerDC(); virtual;


  function IsMobilePlatform; virtual;


  function IsCDIntfControl(); virtual;


  function MoveWindowOrgEx(); virtual;


  function PromptUser(); virtual;


  function PromptUserAtXY(); virtual;


  function RadialArc(); virtual;


  function RadialChord(); virtual;


  function RadialPie(); virtual;


  function RawImage_CreateBitmaps(); virtual;


  function RawImage_DescriptionFromBitmap(); virtual;


  function RawImage_DescriptionFromDevice(); virtual;


  function RawImage_FromBitmap(); virtual;


  function RawImage_FromDevice(); virtual;


  function RawImage_QueryDescription(); virtual;


  function RegroupMenuItem(); virtual;


  function ReleaseDesignerDC(); virtual;


  procedure RemoveEventHandler(); virtual;


  procedure RemoveProcessEventHandler(); virtual;


  procedure RemovePipeEventHandler(); virtual;


  function RequestInput(); virtual;


  procedure SendCachedLCLMessages; virtual;


  function SetCaretRespondToFocus(); virtual;


  function SetComboMinDropDownSize(); virtual;


  procedure SetEventHandlerFlags(); virtual;


  procedure SetRubberBandRect(); virtual;


  function ShowSelectItemDialog(); virtual;


  function StretchMaskBlt(); virtual;


  function TextUTF8Out(); virtual;


Writes UTF-8-encoded text to the specified device context.

  property ThemeServices: TThemeServices; [r]


Theme services class instance for the widgetset.





Provides an application helper class (platform and drawing interface).




TWidgetSet is a TObject descendant which implements an application helper class that provides access to platform-specific operating system and drawing interfaces. A number of methods are declared as abstract virtual, and must be implemented in descendent classes. Other methods are declared as virtual to allow them to be overridden for a specific platform.

TWidgetSet is used as the ancestor for platform-specific implementations like TWin32WidgetSet, TGTKWidgetSet, TQtWidgetSet, TCarbonWidgetSet, TCocoaWidgetSet, et. al.

The WidgetSet variable provides access to the TWidgetSet singleton for the current widgetset implementation.

See also



Native handle for a TApplication instance.



Theme services class instance for the widgetset.



Provides access to the widgetset class instance for the platform.

Version 3.2 Generated 2024-02-25 Home