[Overview][Classes][Procedures and functions][Index] Reference for unit 'JSONPropStorage' (#lcl)


[Properties (by Name)] [Methods (by Name)] [Events (by Name)]

Implements the final class for the JSON Form Session Properties storage.


Source position: jsonpropstorage.pas line 49

type TJSONPropStorage = class(TCustomJSONPropStorage)


  property StoredValues: TStoredValues;


Collection with the names and values for properties handled for the container.

  property JSONFileName: string;


Name of the file where the session property names and values are saved in JSON format.

  property Formatted: Boolean;


Controls whether formatted JSON is emitted in the JSONConf storage mechanism.

  property Active: Boolean;


Indicates whether the container is Active and allows access to its storage.

  property OnSavingProperties: TNotifyEvent;


Event handler signalled when the Save method is started.

  property OnSaveProperties: TNotifyEvent;


Event handler signalled when the Save method is completed.

  property OnRestoringProperties: TNotifyEvent;


Event handler signalled when the Restore method is started.

  property OnRestoreProperties: TNotifyEvent;


Event handler signalled when the Restore method is completed.





Implements the final class for the JSON Form Session Properties storage.




Implements the base class used to store session properties to a file in JSON format.




TFormPropertyStorage - class for storage of a Form's properties.




Implements the abstract ancestor class used to get the property list for a control.




Defines a container used to Save and Restore property values.








TJSONPropStorage is a TCustomJSONPropStorage descendant which implements a class used to store session properties for a form or frame to a file using JSON (JavaScript Object Notation) format. It sets the visibility for properties introduced in ancestor classes.

Use the SessionProperties property in the TForm (or TFrame) instance which owns the class to define the component and property names written to the JSON storage mechanism.

Use JSONFileName to specify the path and file name to the file where the JSON content for the session properties is stored.

Use RootObjectPath to specify the path to the JSON object where the session properties is stored in the JSON file.

Use Formatted to control whether formatting options for the JSON config file are enabled for the storage mechanism.

See also



Implements the base class used to store session properties to a file in JSON format.



Implements a form used in an LCL application.



Implements a class used to store session properties in an INI file.



Implements a class for XML storage of Form Session properties.

Version 3.2 Generated 2024-02-25 Home