[Overview][Types][Classes][Procedures and functions][Index] Reference for unit 'LCLResCache' (#lcl)


[Properties (by Name)] [Methods (by Name)] [Events (by Name)]

TResourceCache - a cache (linked list) for storing Resources.


Source position: lclrescache.pas line 78

type TResourceCache = class


  FItems: TAvlTree;

  FDescriptors: TAvlTree;

  FDestroying: Boolean;


FDestroying - local boolean variable to store Destroying status.

  FResourceCacheDescriptorClass: TResourceCacheDescriptorClass;


FResourceCacheDescriptorClass - local variable for holding the class of the current descriptor.

  FResourceCacheItemClass: TResourceCacheItemClass;


FResourceCacheItemClass - local variable for holding the class of the current cache item.

  FMaxUnusedItem: Integer;


FMaxUnusedItem - how many freed resources to keep.

  FFirstUnusedItem: TResourceCacheItem;


FFirstUnusedItem - local variable storing location of first free item.

  FLastUnusedItem: TResourceCacheItem;


FLastUnusedItem - local variable storing location of last free item.

  FUnUsedItemCount: Integer;


FUnUsedItemCount - local variable with count of free items.

  FLock: TCriticalSection;

  procedure RemoveItem(); virtual;


RemoveItem from CacheItem list.

  procedure RemoveDescriptor(); virtual;


RemoveDescriptor from Cache Descriptor list.

  procedure ItemUsed();


ItemUsed - method for signalling that the specified Item is being used.

  procedure ItemUnused();


ItemUnused - method for signalling that the specified Item is unused.

  function ItemIsUsed();


ItemIsUsed - returns True if specified Item is being used.


  constructor Create;


Constructor for the class instance.

  procedure Clear;


Clears the current entries in the Resource Cache.

  destructor Destroy; override;


Destructor for the class instance.

  function CompareItems(); virtual;


CompareItems - returns 0 if items are equal, -1 if Item1 is less, 1 if Item1 is greater.

  function CompareDescriptors(); virtual; abstract;


CompareDescriptors - returns 0 if descriptors are equal, -1 if Desc1 is less, 1 if Desc1 is greater.

  procedure ConsistencyCheck;


ConsistencyCheck - checks that Items have valid descriptors.

  procedure Lock;

  procedure Unlock;

  property MaxUnusedItem: Integer; [rw]


MaxUnusedItem - the largest permitted number of unused items.

  property ResourceCacheItemClass: TResourceCacheItemClass; [r]


ResourceCacheItemClass - the Class of the current Cache Item.

  property ResourceCacheDescriptorClass: TResourceCacheDescriptorClass; [r]


ResourceCacheDescriptorClass - the class of the current cache item descriptor.





TResourceCache - a cache (linked list) for storing Resources.



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