[Overview][Types][Classes][Procedures and functions][Index] Reference for unit 'LCLResCache' (#lcl)


[Properties (by Name)] [Methods (by Name)] [Events (by Name)]

TResourceCacheItem - an item in a list (TResourceCache).


Source position: lclrescache.pas line 37

type TResourceCacheItem = class


  FDestroying: Boolean;


FDestroying - local boolean variable to store Destroying status.

  FReferenceCount: Integer;


FReferenceCount - local variable to store Reference Count.


  Handle: TLCLHandle;


Handle for Cache Item - use TLCLHandle instead of THandle since THandle = longint under 64bit linux.

  Cache: TResourceCache;


The Resource Cache to which this Cache Item belongs.

  FirstDescriptor: TResourceCacheDescriptor;


FirstDescriptor - the descriptor for the first item in the list.

  LastDescriptor: TResourceCacheDescriptor;


LastDescriptor - the descriptor for the last item in the list.

  Next: TResourceCacheItem;


The Next item in the list.

  Prev: TResourceCacheItem;


Prev - the previous item in the list.

  constructor Create();


Constructor for the class instance.

  destructor Destroy; override;


Destructor for the class instance.

  procedure IncreaseRefCount;


IncreaseRefCount - increment the reference count.

  procedure DecreaseRefCount;


DecreaseRefCount - decrement the reference count.

  procedure AddToList();


AddToList - add an item to the cache list specified by First, Last.

  procedure RemoveFromList();


RemoveFromList - remove an item from the cache list specified by First, Last.

  procedure WarnReferenceHigh; virtual;


WarnReferenceHigh - issue a warning if the number of references gets too high.

  property ReferenceCount: Integer; [r]


ReferenceCount - the number of references to this Item.





TResourceCacheItem - an item in a list (TResourceCache).



Version 3.2 Generated 2024-02-25 Home